PRAYER - Study 3

bible The Bible is one important way of communicating with God in order to develop our relationship with Him.
bible Prayer is simply talking with God - at any time, at any place, in the way we feel most.
bible In both the Old and New Testaments the people who knew God talked with Him. This is why you have already been given ideas for prayer.
bible This study will help you develop your prayer life a little more - yet once again, it won't make you perfect.


1. Find and read Matthew 6:5-6.

2. Jesus refers to the difference between hypocrites and His disciples and how they pray. What do you think are some differences between hypocritical and real prayer?

3. How does it make you feel to realise that:

(i.) God is described as "Father"?

(ii.) God sees you - He knows you personally?


4. What difference does the answer to question 3 make to prayer?


In prayer: Speak to your Heavenly Father about the things that are important to you.


1. Find and read Matthew 6: v7-8.

2. What basic advice does Jesus give about how to pray?

3. If God already knows what we need, why do you think He wants us to pray to Him?

In prayer: Share with God, in your own way, the things you need.

SECTION 3 and 4: A long study bit a good one.

1. Find and read Matthew 6: v 9-13.

PRAY Here is the prayer our Lord gave His disciples to teach them how to pray. Doesn't our familiarity with this prayer show how easy it is to say words and not mean what we say!

2. Work through the prayer and give a brief explanation of what you think it means - there's space over the page. (I'm using the Good News Bible.)

PRAY "Our Father in heaven:

PRAY May your name be honoured;

PRAY May your kingdom come,

PRAY May your will be done

PRAY On earth as it is in heaven.

PRAY Give us today the food we need.

PRAY Forgive us the wrongs we have done

PRAY As we forgive the wrongs that they have done to us.

PRAY Do not bring us to hard tempting

PRAY But keep us safe from the Evil One.".

* Here's space to write your explanation of the Lord's Prayer.


In prayer: Pray the Lord's Prayer and mean it.


So the clues to prayer include:

** Sincerity (mean it).
** Humility (let God be God).
** Openness (don't hide or pretend).
** Pray (it's important to communicate in order to develop the relationship).
** Pray for things that honour God (His will is best).

1. You might be wondering what to pray about. Surely it can become boring praying every day!

Make a list of the following:

(i.) What is God like?

(ii.) The things you have done wrong.

(iii.) The things God has done for you.


( iv.) People who need prayer.

eg - Members of family or friends with needs _______________________________________

eg - People you know at church ________________________ _______________________

eg - People you know who need to learn about Jesus ________ _______________________

eg - Any other needs._________________________________ ______________________

Well, there is a prayer list as well as a pattern for prayer (it is sometimes called the A.C.T.S. pattern).

Adore Him ... because of who God is.

Confess it ... because of your sin.

Thank Him ... because of what God has done.

Supplication ... because of people's needs (i.e. asking God!)

Isn't it great we can pray to God! Why not do that now using A.C.T.S.

The next theme is:

Copyright (c) David Brown